utilihive ghostwriter

Utilihive Ghostwriter provides simulation capability to create realistically scaled meter readings, alarms and events for synthetic metering points or IoT sensors.

It emulates the interfaces and APIs from the Headend Systems and simulates the meter readings, alarms or events from synthetic metering points based on different configurable load profiles and alarm & event scenarios. Utilihive Ghostwriter is the ideal application to build synthetic test data sets and populate information across multiple systems.

Utilihive Ghostwriter is a built-in application within Utilihive but can also be used as a standalone SaaS offer.


Core capabilities

Utilihive Ghostwriter is typically used for:

  • Performance and load testing as Utilihive Ghostwriter creates realistically scaled readings
  • Endurance testing – ensure stability over time
  • Value chain testing as Utilihive Ghostwriter creates both readings, alarms & events and can populate the synthetic test data sets
  • Testing and optimization of VEE rules as Utilihive Ghostwriter can be configured to create missing readings or readings that are too low / high (corrupted reads), etc.
  • Accelerate user acceptance tests (UAT) for solutions in the smart metering value chain as Utilihive Ghostwriter enables utilities to test and verify the entire AMI landscape before a rollout has started or is completed.

watch demonstration

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Real-time and historical visibility into the low-voltage-, mid-voltage or AMI network. Display alarms, events and meter readings.

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Centralized Smart Meter Operations Center for smart infrastructure monitoring and management.



Pre-integrated big data log analyzer and DataOps tool for end-to-end monitoring of all data and data integration flows.

Get started by simplifying integration and automation

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