utilihive data hub adapter

For specific regions where regional or national data hubs are in place for data exchange between grid companies and suppliers, a Utilihive Regional Data Hub Adapter enables the data exchange and monitoring of the integration with the datahub.

Utilihive delivery module can be set up to deliver multiple systems and each delivery pipeline can be configured with a specific schedule like real-time, hourly, daily, and can be configured to adhere to certain SLAs for deliveries, e.g. required by datahubs.

Each delivery pipeline can also be configured to deliver meter data by meter or by metering point. Utilihive EVE delivery can also be combined with Utilihive Energy Market EDI for reliable data exchanges with the energy market.

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Pre-configured adapters for commonly used utility applications. Customize default data mappings and develop own connectors.

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Pre-configured integration applications or energy data flows. Customize and develop custom data flows with Utilihive SDK.

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Software gateway handling a secured communication and message exchange across network boundaries.

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